Media. Speaking. Worn By. Special Events.




Merrimack Valley Magainze Feature Jan 2014


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WBZ4 News & UPN38 News Feature: “Home Shopping Spree”

High Profile Speaking Engagements:

womeninbusinessNew York University, 12th Annual Stern Women in Business Conference – Tricia Mahoney participated on a panel of women entrepreneurs and executives, ‘Transforming Your Interests into Career Opportunities: Wouldn’t it be nice to love what you do every day at work?’

Boston University – Tricia Mahoney spoke to the MBA Strategic Marketing Class. Being an entrepreneur, starting a business, challenges, and networking.


StylishShe Worn By:

Leslie Gudel, Philadelphia Phillies reporter, on-air via Comcast, StylishShe Apparel.

Emily Adams, Texas Rangers Host/Reporter, StylishShe Apparel.

Maria Stephanos, Fox News Boston, StylishShe Jewelry.

Numerous Fox News Boston Reporters, StylishShe Jewelry. Regularly visited Fox News set to outfit reporters with jewelry for their on-air needs.


Special Events:

Kidd Kraddick In The Morning, KISS FM Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas – Tricia Mahoney, SHEeo, stylized Crystal Haire, contestant winner of the Kidd Kraddick Kiddy Kat Dolls contest for Hot Sexy MOMMA’s. The contest treated overworked, stressed out moms who had lost their identity in their mom-hood. Tricia worked with Crystal on fashion and style and outfitted her with outfits for the event.

Miss New Hampshire Teen USA contestant Alyssa Goley styled by Tricia Mahoney for her debut pageant performance.